Health News

Hair Oils for Hair Growth
Hair Oils for Hair Growth

 Castor oil is rich in vitamin E, triglycerides, fatty acids and ricin oleic acids. It deeply moisturizes the hair follicles and increases blood flow to the scalp, which promotes healthier hair and hair growth. Castor oil protects hair follicles from breakage and damage and adds smoothness and shine to hair.


How to use

Massage a few drops of castor oils into your scalp and hair’s ends. Since castor oil is thick and sticky it is best to dilute the castor oil with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil. Leave it on for two hours then wash your hair.

For best results, it is recommended to apply castor oil once a week for at least three months.

For super-shiny hair, wrap your hair in a silk scraf after massaging with castor oil.


Coconut oil is packed with fatty acids namely lauric acid which has nourishing properties and stimulates hair growth by getting deep into the hair follicles. Coconut oil moisturizes and repairs damaged hair, adds lustre, shine and softness to hair and prevents hair breakage and split ends contributing to hair length.


How to use

Warm the coconut oil into the palms of your hands and apply over the scalp and hair. Leave on for as long as possible, or overnight and wash in the morning with shampoo.

It is recommended to apply coconut oil two to three times weekly.


Argan oil is rich in fatty acids and vitamin E which have important benefits for the scalp and hair. It softens, moisturizes hair and prevents hair breakage and hair loss. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it soothes the scalp. Argan oil adds shine to hair and when applied after a bleaching process, it repairs hair coloring damage.


How to use

Massage 8 to 10 drops of argan oil into your hair and scalp for 10 minutes. Wrap your hair in a towel and leave it on overnight. Wash your hair in the morning. Do it twice per week.


Almond oil contains omega-9 fatty acids, vitamin E and biotin which improve the shine and strength of hair. Almond oil nourishes and moisturizes hair, making it smooth. It also protects hair from damage. It strengthens hair and protects hair against routine damage like brushing, heat styling, and coloring. It also protects hair from breakage. Almond oil promotes hair growth since it contains biotin which assists in hair follicle regrowth and keratin production.


How to use

Apply almond oil directly to your hair and to the ends of your hair. Massage the oil into the hair’s ends and leave the oil on your hair after styling it.

Prendre soin de ses cheveux en été
Prendre soin de ses cheveux en été

On le sait, l’été n’est pas tendre avec nos cheveux: entre soleil, sel, chlore et chaleur, notre chevelure subit ! Tout comme la peau, il est important de protéger ses cheveux du soleil et de l’eau salée, afin qu’ils restent beaux et en pleine santé.

Voici donc quelques conseils simples mais efficaces pour affronter naturellement cette période estivale :



Pensez à rafraîchir votre coupe surtout si vos cheveux sont déjà secs et cassants pour repartir sur une bonne base. Un petit « trim » de temps à autres ne peut que leurs faire du bien. Et ne soyez pas nostalgique une fois que c’est fait ; les cheveux poussent plus vite durant cette période grâce au soleil. Vive l'été !



Les produits naturels pour la protection des cheveux ? C'est encore mieux !
Nous vous conseillons l'huile de karité, un indispensable en été comme en hiver. Et chez René Furterer vous serez bien servis ! Cette huile de soin avant-shampoing sans silicone nourrit en profondeur et régénère les cheveux secs à très secs, leur redonnant ainsi un effet souple et brillant.

Enduire vos cheveux avec l'huile de votre choix, quelques gouttes suffisent, bien insister sur vos longueurs et pointes et à vous la bronzette !

On n’oublie pas non plus son chapeau ou son foulard pour couvrir, et davantage protéger ses cheveux. D’ailleurs, ce genre d’accessoire est toujours tendance à la plage, alors profitons-en !



Après avoir été à la plage ou à la piscine, pensez à toujours à bien rincer vos cheveux à l'eau claire puis passez au shampoing afin de bien éliminer le chlore mais aussi des résidus de sel et de sable. Un geste simple à ne jamais négliger afin d’éviter que les cheveux deviennent rapidement secs et rêches. Si vous avez les cheveux ondulés, bouclés, frisés, crépus ou encore afros, pensez à utiliser un après-shampooing adapté pour un lavage moins agressif !
Composé à 99% d’ingrédients d’origines naturelles, les après-shampooings de la gamme Natessance fortifient et démêlent les cheveux sans les alourdir. Résultat : des cheveux éclatants, revitalisés et délicatement parfumés !



Adoptez une routine 100% naturelle adaptée à vos besoins en utilisant un shampooing doux après chaque exposition prolongée ou après chaque baignade.
Là encore, Natessance demeure une marque de choix, avec son shampooing à base de Coco ou d’huile de Ricin pour un effet souple et réparateur. Avec sa formule sans-silicone, il sera le meilleur allié de vos cheveux fragilisés.

Vous pouvez toutefois aussi, vous laisser tenter par les Shampoo Bars bio de Wellness Warehouse.
Dans l’esprit du naturelle, ces barres de shampooings sont fabriquées exclusivement à partir d'ingrédients d'origine végétale et sont particulièrement écologiques.

Comment les utiliser ?

Mouillez la barre et passez-la plusieurs fois dans les cheveux mouillés, de la racine à la pointe, sous l'eau courante. Appliquez le shampooing en massant les cheveux pour créer une mousse abondante, et après quelques secondes, rincez abondamment.



Chouchoutez-vous ! Pensez à chouchouter vos cheveux une à deux fois par semaine avec un masque hydratant et/ou un bain d'huile. Vous pouvez utiliser par exemple les huiles végétales de coco, d’argan, d’amande douce mais aussi du beurre de karité, encore et toujours pour un soin complet.

Vous êtes désormais prêts pour les séances baignades jusqu’à la fin de l’été !

Halte à la chute de cheveux
Halte à la chute de cheveux

La chevelure compte plus de 200 000 cheveux. Les cheveux naissent dans des follicules pileux et chacun d’entre eux possède sa propre vie. La vie des cheveux compte trois phases qui s’étalent sur une période de 2 à 5 ans : la phase anagène, la phase catagène et la phase télogène. Perdre 30 à 150 cheveux par jour est un processus normal. Toutefois, lorsque ce nombre augmente considérablement et que la perte devient trop importante, il est normal de s’en inquiéter.
Plusieurs facteurs, tels que le stress, les changements hormonaux ou une mauvaise alimentation, peuvent accentuer la chute de cheveux.



Pour limiter la perte de cheveux, plusieurs gestes peuvent être adoptés. Sans le réaliser parfois, les produits cosmétiques tels que les shampoings ou le soin après-shampooing, s’ils ne sont pas adaptés à votre problématique capillaire, peuvent faire plus de dégâts que de bien.

Pour réduire la perte de cheveux et favoriser la brillance de la chevelure, un shampooing et un après-shampooing à la Kératine et à l’huile d’argan tels que les Shampooing & Après Shampooing Kératine Forte sont recommandés. Ce shampoing aux propriétés réparatrices et nourrissantes, aide à réduire la chute des cheveux et à leur apporter de la brillance grâce à la kératine. Pour une efficacité renforcée, appliquez le soin Keratine Forte Soin Anti-Chute sur les zones clairsemées du cuir chevelu deux fois par jour.



Les compléments alimentaires font également partie des solutions efficaces pour lutter contre la perte de cheveux. Si votre chevelure manque de force et de volume, adoptez un complément alimentaire anti chute de cheveux parmi ceux proposés par le Laboratoire Biocyte. Le complément alimentaire anti chute de cheveux Biocyte Keratine Forte Full Spectrum apporte vitalité et santé aux cheveux. À base de kératine, de prêle, de luzerne, de vitamines et de minéraux, ce complément alimentaire est destiné aux personnes ayant des cheveux fragilisés et souhaitant améliorer la santé, le renforcement et la vitalité de leur chevelure. Également efficace pour limiter la perte de cheveux après-grossesse.



Les actions préventives sont d’ordre gestuel et alimentaire. Il faut éviter tous les facteurs de fragilisation des cheveux : séchage trop chaud, brossages trop énergiques, tressages trop serrés, permanentes et colorations trop fréquentes, usage abusif de fixateurs ou de défrisants, exposition solaire (UV) prolongée sans protection. L’alimentation doit renforcer l’action de la papille dermique en apportant les éléments nutritifs nécessaires à la formation de la kératine et à la croissance des cheveux. Pour cela, les produits forts en protéines (poisson, viande, céréales), riches en vitamines et minéraux et des graisses d’origine végétale sont fortement recommandés.

Similairement, même si elle est souvent négligée, une hygiène de vie saine demeure un aspect essentiel :  le surmenage, le stress, l’insomnie, l’abus de tabac et d’alcool sont à mettre définitivement de côté.


Avec ces soins et ces bons gestes, votre chevelure retrouvera sans nul doute, son peps d’antan.

Why Use Dry Shampoo ?
Why Use Dry Shampoo ?


Clean hair in only 2 minutes instead of 30? Every moment counts these days. Use Dry Shampoo in the morning to leave you with clean, voluminous hair in 2 minutes flat, giving you that extra time to fit in a quick yoga session and conquer your day.



It’s been proven that frequent washing can strip the hair from essential amino acids and proteins leading to brittle hair and scalp irritation. For those with naturally oily hair, daily lathering can be counterproductive – it actually increases oil production. It’s recommended wash your hair every other day at most. Alternate your wash days with a Dry Shampoo specifically formulated for oily hair to help further space out the need for washing. If you just had your hair colored or received a semi-permanent styling treatment, replace your first shampoo with Dry Shampoo, limiting the risk of damaging the color or treatment.



Your blowout looks amazing, but it is time consuming to achieve on your own. To maximize your time twirl your hair into a bun and secure with a scrunchie at night to avoid bed head. Use a shower cap in the morning and follow with Dry Shampoo. Spray 6-10 inches from hair, focusing on the roots, wait 2 minutes and then use your fingers or a brush to work through the hair. For even more volume, style with your round brush & blow-dryer.



Did you know that replacing 1 use of regular shampoo a week with 1 application of Dry Shampoo leads to 500L of water saved per year? What is not to love!


3 Quick & Easy Hair Styles by Klorane



  1. Hold dry shampoo a bottles’ length away from your hair.
  2. Spray with a focus on your roots and then hair lengths, this will help to hold the wave texture.
  3. Wait 2 minutes, then use your fingers or a brush to work through the dry shampoo.
  4. Using a curling iron or wand, curl your hair tightly and hold the curl for 2 seconds to let it cool before dropping.
  5. Once completely curled, spray dry shampoo all over hair for added texture.
  6. Shake out the curls so they drop into a wave formation.



  1. Hold dry shampoo a bottles’ length away from your hair.
  2. Spray with a focus on your roots, this will help to keep the hair in place.
  3. Wait 2 minutes to let the dry shampoo settle at your roots.
  4. Use your fingers or a brush to work the dry shampoo through the hair.
  5. Following the line of your cheekbones, pull your hair back to determine where your ponytail should sit.
  6. Use a brush to smooth all sides.
  7. Secure the ponytail with an elastic.
  8. Spray dry shampoo at the end of the ponytail for added texture.



  1. Hold dry shampoo a bottles’ length away from your hair.
  2. Spray your roots and hair lengths, this will make the hair less slippery and easier to manage into a bun.
  3. Wait 2 minutes, then use your fingers or a brush to work the dry shampoo through.
  4. Twist your hair from the nape of your neck and up into a bun shape.
  5. Secure with an elastic or bobby pin.
  6. Add a fun accessory to dress up the style!


Shop Klorane dry shampoos by clicking here today!

The guide of oils by Comptoir des Huiles
The guide of oils by Comptoir des Huiles

Which oil for which use? At Comptoir des huiles, 1 oil = 1 exceptional property. This guide will help you understand the virtues of each oil to help you quickly find the ideal oil for your skin, your needs and your desires. Health, beauty, well-being... Discover their fabulous natural powers and learn how to use them to best advantage thanks to the expertise and know-how of our team.




The Prickly Pear

  • For mature or dry skin
  • For the care of stretch marks
  • Face and body


Prickly Pear Oil is known for its restructuring, nourishing and antioxidant properties. Its properties give it anti-ageing actions, so it is the perfect ally for mature skin to counter the effects of time. It will also appeal to younger skin to prevent the signs of ageing. It is also ideal for dry skin as a daily care product, it will nourish and revitalize the epidermis. The repairing virtues of Prickly Pear oil make it suitable as an anti-stretch mark oil. The cracks are nourished in depth, less contrasted and less apparent. The skin appears firmer, smoother and plumper.






  • For mature, sensitive and problem skin
  • For heavy legs and pain
  • Face and legs


Calophylla oil is an oil with remarkable multipurpose properties. It is perfectly suited to mature, sensitive and problem skin thanks to its repairing, purifying, soothing and anti-bacterial properties. It concentrates numerous restructuring and protective active ingredients such as omega-6, omega-9, polyphenols and calaustrin. These different nutrients make it an oil with soothing, softening and antioxidant properties. Damaged tissues are thus regenerated and strengthened.

It is also a natural soothing oil that calms pain and decongests by stimulating circulation. This oil is not recommended for people on anticoagulant therapy.






  • For problem, sensitive and reactive skin
  • For sensitive scalps
  • Face and hair


Neem oil has been known for centuries for its antibacterial, cleansing and emollient properties. Rich in oleic acid and vitamin E, Neem oil nourishes the skin. It is also an ideal purifying agent to help problem skin. It helps to soothe and soften tight skin and sensitive scalps.





  • For combination to oily or dull skin
  • For dry and brittle hair
  • Face, body and hair


Jojoba oil is one of the most renowned oils because it has undeniable virtues. Its original composition regulates the production of sebum in mixed to oily skin and leaves a matte appearance. Moreover, the dry texture of Jojoba oil allows a good nourishing and softening application without leaving an oily film on the skin. It revitalises dull and lifeless skin thanks to its concentration of omegas-9 and fatty acids such as gadoleic acid and erucic acid. Jojoba oil also has a very positive effect on the hair. It acts as a real cure for dry and brittle hair. The hair fibre is nourished and the hair regains its suppleness and shine.





Moringa Oleifera

  • For sensitive and tight skin
  • To clean the skin
  • Face and hair


Rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, Moringa Oleifera oil is the ideal treatment for soothing sensitised and tight skin. Rich in antioxidants, it helps to fight against premature skin ageing, replenishes tissues by nourishing them and helps to keep the skin firm.


A less common use for an oil, Moringa Oleifera oil is also a very good daily facial cleanser. It is very effective in protecting the skin from external aggressions and removing pollution. Used daily, it leaves the complexion clear, radiant and skin soothed.


When applied to the hair, Moringa Oleifera oil will form a film around the hair fibre to protect it from external aggressions, from the roots to the tips.





The Baobab

  • For dry skin
  • For dry and split hair
  • Body, face and hair

A real asset for our skin, Baobab oil has an ultra-nourishing, anti-ageing, softening, lipid-replenishing and regenerating action. Thanks to the omega-6 and omega-9 it contains, Baobab oil nourishes the skin in depth and preserves its hydration by acting as a natural protective film. The vitamin E present in this oil makes it an effective anti-ageing complex, helping the skin to retain its elasticity and youthfulness. Baobab oil concentrates a large amount of phytosterols which act to repair damaged tissue. It is also beneficial for the hair, nourishing it in depth while protecting it from external aggressions. Dry and split hair regains its tone and beauty.





  • Promotes growth
  • For brittle nails
  • Face, nails, hair and eyelashes


Castor oil never ceases to amaze us because its effects on our bodies are considerable. The ricinoleic acid naturally contained in this oil purifies the skin. It is also said to have a soothing effect on sensitive and irritated skin. It restores strength to nails, eyelashes and hair and promotes their growth. It is also an excellent repairing and plumping agent for damaged skin. (chapping, cracks...). Used on the face, it restores radiance.




The Marula

  • For normal skin
  • For shiny hair
  • Face, body and hair

The high concentration of antioxidants, saturated fatty acids and vitamins C and E make Marula oil a versatile oil suitable for all skin types. Its nourishing and protective properties help to keep the skin smooth and full of vitality. Marula oil also promotes skin hydration by limiting the evaporation of water from the epidermis. It will bring comfort and suppleness to the skin from head to toe. Marula oil brings protection and shine to the hair by nourishing it without making it greasy.




The Carapate

  • For curly, frizzy or dry hair
  • Promotes hair growth and curl retention
  • Face and hair


Widely used to promote hair growth and prevent split ends, Carapate oil has qualities similar to those of Ricin oil. Ideal for curly, frizzy or extremely dry hair, Carapate oil is particularly effective thanks to the fatty acids it contains (ricinoleic acid). It helps to nourish, protect and coat the hair fibre. It also cleanses dry or irritated scal ps thanks to its anti-bacterial properties. In addition to its effects on the hair, Carapate oil is effective in strengthening and encouraging nail and eyelash growth.




Moringa Drouhardii

  • For tight and sensitive skin
  • For hair fortification
  • Face, body and hair


Rich in vitamin E and alpha-tocopherols, Moringa Drouhardii oil is a versatile beauty essential known to soothe and protect sensitive skin. Rich in antioxidants, it helps fight premature skin ageing, replenishes tissues by nourishing them and helps keep skin toned and firm.


Applied to the hair, Moringa Drouhardii oil will help to nourish the hair fibre in depth, from the roots to the tips. Lightly massaged into the scalp, it will help to cleanse the scalp. The vitamins and minerals naturally contained in this oil help to strengthen the hair and make it shine.




The Ximenia

  • For damaged skin
  • For dull and damaged hair
  • Body and hair

Rich in fatty acids, this oil has very nourishing and repairing properties. When used on the body, Ximenia oil will help to repair damaged tissues in depth. Its film-forming action helps to keep the skin well hydrated. This film will also play a protective role, creating a barrier to repel external aggressions. The epidermis is restructured and the skin appears softer, smoother and protected.


Applied to the hair, Ximenia oil will restore strength and vitality to dull and lifeless hair thanks to its vitamins and nutrients. It will form a protective film around the hair to nourish, protect and restore shine.




The advantages of using pure vegetable oils

Apart from the fact that the most commonly used vegetable oils are the same and very popular in the kitchen, they are in fact wonderful cosmetics (some of them are not edible at all). Thanks to the vitamins and fatty acids they contain, vegetable oils are a real goldmine for our bodies.


Depending on the plant from which they originate, they can be moisturising, protective, anti-oxidising, repairing, fortifying or sebo-regulating. Depending on the oil chosen, there are many uses, which makes it an inexpensive natural cosmetic. It can be used for the face, body and/or hair. In short, one oil can be enough to moisturise from head to toe. Because it is a pure, naturally rich and simple ingredient, the use of a vegetable oil is beneficial and rarely allergenic, unlike essential oils for example.

L’huile de Ricin : une huile idéale pour les cheveux ?
L’huile de Ricin : une huile idéale pour les cheveux ?

Originaire d’Afrique, l’huile de ricin est une huile végétale extraite des graines de la plante du même nom, le ricin.


Ses bienfaits sur la peau étaient déjà connus des égyptiens. L’histoire raconte qu’elle était l’huile préférée de la reine Cléopâtre qui l’utilisait pour se démaquiller.


De nos jours, sa production se situe majoritairement dans les zones tropicales. Elle donne un liquide jaune pâle épais qui, mis en bouteille, fait notre bonheur dans la salle de bains.

Quels sont les effets de l’huile de ricin sur les cheveux ?


L’huile de ricin est riche en acide ricinoléique, réputé comme bactériostatique (empêchant la croissance des bactéries) du cuir chevelu, et fortifiant des cheveux. Complète en acides gras essentiels, cette huile épaisse et visqueuse nourrit et fait briller la chevelure, les cils et sourcils.

Elle est également réputée pour favoriser la croissance des cheveux.


L’huile de ricin, pour quels types de cheveux ?

Les cuirs chevelus qui ont des pellicules vont l’aimer pour son effet reconnu sur les bactéries.

Elle est aussi particulièrement recommandée pour différents types de problématiques capillaires :

  • Les cheveux fins, fatigués, mous, qui deviennent difficiles à coiffer.


  • Les chevelures en perte de densité due à la chute de cheveux(en cas de chute importante, nous recommandons de voir un médecin).


  • Les cheveux abîméssur toute la longueur ou fourchus, voire les cheveux crépus.

Comment utiliser l’huile de ricin sur les cheveux ?

Nous la recommandons en avant-shampooing. Après avoir légèrement réchauffé le flacon d’huile dans un bain d’eau chaude, il faut l’appliquer sur toute la chevelure et sur le cuir chevelu. Pour cela, il faut bien répartir de la racine aux pointes et revenir sur le cuir chevelu en massant, jusqu’à obtenir un effet mouillé.


Envelopper dans une serviette chaude etlaisser poser pendant 15 minutes va permettre aux écailles de la fibre capillaire de s’ouvrir et d’optimiser l’efficacité de l’huile de ricin.


Deux shampooings sont nécessaires pour rincer l’effet gras de l’huile.


A faire une fois par semaine !


Comment choisir son huile de ricin ?

Pour bien choisir son huile de ricin, il faut vérifier deux points principaux :


La pureté de l’huile

Certains produits sont des mélanges d’huiles végétales. Avec la mention 100% pure, il est indiqué que le produit ne contient que de l’huile de ricin, non coupée avec une autre huile de moins bonne qualité et donc moins chère.


De la vitamine E naturelle, le tocophérol, peut y être ajoutée afin de garantir la durabilité de l’huile dans le temps. En effet, cet anti-oxydant puissant, permet d’éviter le rancissement de l’huile.


La pression à froid

Quand les graines de ricin sont pressées par pression mécanique, sans chauffe, c’est ce que l’on appelle, la pression à froid. Ainsi la chaleur ne dégradant pas les actifs contenus dans l’huile de ricin, celle-ci pressée à froid conserve toutes ses propriétés et qualités.

What’s the difference between hair loss and hair mass decrease?
What’s the difference between hair loss and hair mass decrease?

Hair loss and hair thinning – also known as hair mass decrease – may seem like two sides of the same coin, but it’s important to make the distinction when looking to understand your haircare problems. Whether you suffer from hair that’s falling out, or strands that are experiencing reduced thickness and quality, the solution lies in improving your hair’s strength, resistance and overall health for an optimum growth cycle.


Hair loss:

In medical terms, hair loss deals with a reduction in the number of hairs attached to the scalp, qualified as over 100 hairs lost per day. As a result, the quantity of the hair is significantly impacted. Hair loss occurs as a result of certain factors (see below) that affect the hair’s life cycle, considerably shortening hair growth. On average, the hair’s life cycle lasts a year or less before the follicle detaches, preventing hair from growing past a certain length.


When it comes to factors responsible for hair loss, genetics has a role to play in the majority of cases, with men more likely to suffer than women. However, hormones can also have a role to play, with many women reporting a phenomenon of sudden hair loss shortly after giving birth. Other factors that can affect hair loss include stress, fatigue and diet, as well as ‘classic’ exposome factors such as pollution and tobacco.


According to Florence Benech, “Not all anti-aging serums are appropriate for sensitive skin.” To be sure that they will able to tolerate them, women generally look at the dosing. But it is just as important to examine the type of ingredients and the way they are formulated.


Hair mass decrease:

While hair loss can be prolonged or take place over a short space of time, hair thinning – also described as hair mass decrease – is generally felt more gradually. Vichy’s experts have identified two main causes of hair mass decrease: physiological hair aging, resulting in fewer, smaller and weaker hair follicles, and damage linked to external aggressions. Visible symptoms of hair mass decrease commonly include thinner hair fibers, reduced hair density, and weaker or more fragile hair that lacks volume and is prone to breakage- women often notice a decrease in hair mass as their ponytails start to feel less voluminous.


Although hair may fall out, it’s the quality, thickness and health of the remaining hair follicles that give the impression of thinner hair. Following a tailored haircare regime designed to strengthen and reinforce existing hair fibers can help, as can paying attention to your hairstyle and hair care techniques.

L’huile d’argan : comment l’utiliser ?
L’huile d’argan : comment l’utiliser ?

Nous connaissons toutes les bienfaits de l’Huile d’Argan; elle est reconnue pour ses propriétés nutritives, régénérante et restructurante. L’argan, grâce à sa richesse en vitamine E, a la capacité de restaurer le film hydro-lipidique. L’huile d’argan est utilisée depuis la nuit des temps par les femmes berbères du Maroc pour ses vertus exceptionnelles.

Il existe différentes façons d’utiliser l’huile d’argan. Les connaissez-vous ?


1. En massage :

Commençons par le massage des zones relâchées : cuisses, bras, ventre. Versez de l’huile d’argan au creux de votre main, chauffez l’huile puis appliquez la sur les zones désirées en effectuant des massages circulaires et des palpés roulés. Massez jusqu’à ce que l’huile pénètre le plus possible.


2. Pour le visage et le corps :

Reconnue pour ses vertus anti-oxydantes, elle protège des agressions extérieures. Régénérante, elle lutte contre le vieillissement cutané. Adoucissante et nourrissante, elle assure un grand confort. Versez dans le creux de la main quelques gouttes de ce nectar. Du bout des doigts, massez délicatement le visage, le cou et le corps.


3. Pour les ongles et cuticules :

L’huile d’argan est idéale pour nourrir l’ongle et de le fortifier naturellement.
Astuces pour l’application : Trempez un coton-tige directement dans l’huile et appliquez-le sur l’ongle.


4. Le « must » en application sur les cheveux :

Vous avez les cheveux secs, cassants, dévitalisés, fourchus ? Bref rien ne va plus ? En utilisant l’huile d’argan sur les cheveux, ils retrouveront toute leur brillance, souplesse et douceur.


Nos conseils d’utilisation :

  • En masque rapide avant le shampooing: humidifiez vos cheveux (bien les essorer), versez dans votre main de l’huile chauffez-la, puis appliquez-la sur les longueurs en insistant sur les pointes. Laissez poser 10 minutes puis procédez au shampooing. Pour celles qui ont les cheveux très secs associés à des chutes il est possible d’appliquer l’huile dès la racine, pour fortifier le cuir chevelu.


  • En masque pendant la nuit : appliquez l’huile sur cheveux humides, enroulez vos cheveux et faites un chignon assez haut de manière à ce que cela ne gêne pas la nuit. Le lendemain faites un shampooing. Résultat vos cheveux sont revigorés et brillants.


  • En sérum de jour : appliquez quelques gouttes sur les pointes sèches
Easy At-Home hair treatments to rescue your hair and scalp
Easy At-Home hair treatments to rescue your hair and scalp

Looking to tackle pesky hair concerns without blowing your budget? These easy, affordable DIY hair masks use household remedies that you probably already have at home.


The problem: Thinning hair

The fix: Make a “banana protein smoothie,” which consists of amino acid-rich bananas and eggs to enhance hair elasticity, strengthen, and add thickness.

How to use it: Blend two egg yolks, two ripe bananas, two to three tablespoons of honey, half cup of conditioner, and two tablespoons of olive oil, until fully pureed. Slather all over and leave on for 20 to 30 minutes; rinse with cool water.


The problem: Brittle hair

The fix:  While dry, brittle hair is a struggle on its own, it can also lead to increased breakage and dullness. Egg yolks are an easy fix, they will help strengthen and nourish hair follicles.

How to use it: Mix a little lemon into the yolks to lessen the egg smell. When applying, put the mixture on hair from roots to ends and let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour to really penetrate into hair.


The problem: Messy waves or curls

The fix: Honey and syrup are natural humectants (ingredients that attract and lock in moisture) and can treat curls while hydrating thirsty hair.

How to use it: Mix a half-cup of molasses or maple syrup, 1/4 cup of olive oil, four tablespoons of honey, two bananas, half-cup of water, four tablespoons of lemon juice, and two tablespoons of all-purpose flour (adjust according to desired thickness). Mix together ingredients, removing any lumps, and warm over the stovetop. Separate hair into four sections, evenly apply the sweet concoction, and cover it up with a shower cap; let sit for 45 minutes and rinse thoroughly.


The problem: Dry, damaged tresses

The fix: Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Otherwise, you’re only a hair away from split ends, frizz, and breakage. Opt for an intensive overnight treatment if your average conditioner isn’t cutting it.

How to use it: Take a tablespoon of coconut oil, warm it in the microwave, massage into damp hair, and sleep on it. Wear a shower cap and lay a towel on your pillow to prevent a greasy mess. In the morning, shampoo it out. Only use coconut oil on dry and damaged areas, which typically occur from the mid-shaft to the end. If you have finer hair, pick a lighter oil, like olive or avocado, as coconut oil can weigh strands down.


The problem: Itchy scalp

The fix: Soothe and moisturize. An itchy scalp can be caused by myriad problems, from something as serious as psoriasis or as minor as dryness. Your solution? Tea tree oil.

How to use it: Drip three drops of the oil on a cotton swab and dab onto the scalp. If the oil is irritating, dilute 1 ½ tablespoons of oil to one cup of warm water. To combat dryness, break a Vitamin E capsule and rub the oil on itchy areas to help moisturize skin, slough off dead skin cells, and unclog hair follicles. Leave the oil on overnight and rinse out in the morning.


The problem: Faded dye job

The fix: Intensify vibrancy. Add a jolt of red with a cranberry juice rinse. To warm up ashy blonde hair, substitute the cranberry juice rinse for chamomile tea. Or bring out golden tones with some champagne.

How to use it: Tilt your head back over the sink and carefully pour the juice over clean, detangled hair. Once every section is soaked, dry your hair section by section on low heat to lock color in place. Rinse and condition after.


The problem: Dullness

The fix: Lock in shine. Think of the outermost layer of your hair, the cuticles, as shingles on a roof; and those shingles must lie as flat as possible for shiny strands. Anything from friction to hot water to humidity can ruffle up the cuticles, resulting in a lackluster mane. Residue and product buildup are also culprits of sapping shine.

How to use it: To clarify and smooth cuticles, pour an apple cider vinegar rinse (a tablespoon of vinegar to half cup of water) over damp hair and comb through. Let it sink in for five minutes, rinse with cool water, and follow up with conditioner.


The problem: Dandruff

The fix: Keep flakes under control. Dandruff is a scalp disorder that involves rapidly shedding dead skin cells. How to slow down cell turnover and fight dandruff? A ginger root scalp spritzer: ginger has anti-inflammatory properties to soothe the scalp and keep dandruff in check.

How to use it: Finely grate half a ginger root into two cups of water and boil until it’s one cup of tea. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and olive oil. Mist the brew directly onto scalp, let dry, and shampoo out.


The problem: Excessive shedding

The fix: Treat the scalp and strengthen the hair follicle. Serious hair fallout can be caused by a multitude of things: stress, a major life change, illness and pregnancy to name a few. We suggest doing a mayonnaise-based mask one to two times per week to help prevent shedding and heal the scalp, which is often the root of the problem.

How to use it: In a small bowl, combine three tablespoons of mayonnaise, one teaspoon of honey, three drops of rosemary oil and three drops of lavender oil. Mix until smooth. Apply onto clean, damp hair and massage into your scalp. Place a shower cap on your hair and allow to sit for up to an hour. The combo of ingredients includes nutrients that will smooth the hair, boost shine and strengthen the hair follicle. The essential oils and honey also have anti-inflammatory benefits to calm the scalp and prevent additional fallout.


The problem: Flat hair

The fix: Add some bounce. Give lifeless hair a boost with an oatmeal and almond oil hair mask.

How to use it: Combine ½ cup of oats, 2 tablespoons of almond oil and ½ cup of milk (regular milk is best). Mix ingredients well. Apply the mask all over hair and leave it on for 20 to 40 minutes — the longer the better. Then wash out and style your hair as usual. Your hair will look full and super bouncy.

Secrets of maintaining a healthy scalp
Secrets of maintaining a healthy scalp

The importance of the microbiome to the health of your scalp If you are looking for the secret to great hair, you need to start with the scalp. Like the skin on our face, the scalp is made up of oil and sweat glands and an invisible ecosystem of microorganisms: the microbiome. If this becomes unbalanced, it can become irritated and more prone to oiliness, sensitivity and dandruff. This is why it is important to ensure you are paying just as much attention to your scalp as you are your hair – especially when it comes to addressing a range of everyday concerns such as greasiness and dandruff. So what’s the best way of caring for your scalp and how can you tell if you have a problem?

  • Oily hair

If you find that your hair becomes greasy quickly, you may have an unbalanced microbiome that is creating excess levels of sebum. You can help to combat this excess sebum with an oil control shampoo. It will help rebalance your scalp. Once it is cleansed and clean, you should start to notice a big difference in how healthy your hair looks and bounciness and shine will be restored.

  • Dandruff causes and treatment

Dandruff is caused by an increase in bad bacteria and can be a tell-tell sign that your scalp microbiome has become unbalanced. The most effective way of addressing this scalp concern is with a targeted shampoo to purify and soothe the scalp reducing flakes after just one wash. Detoxing the hair from product, sweat and sebum can also help to reduce dandruff.

  • Dry and damaged hair

If your hair is feeling dry and damaged, you may not immediately think of the scalp as the cause. But, like the skin on our face, the scalp can be affected by aggressors in the environment which over time can weaken its barrier function and affect the overall health and vitality of the hair.

  • Hair loss and thinning

There are many reasons for hair thinning and loss such as the menopause, pregnancy, stress and hormone imbalances. But no matter the cause of the problem, you can help to improve it by addressing any visible signs of imbalances within your scalp’s microbiome.