Health News

Why Hydrated Skin is the Secret to Glowy Makeup?
Why Hydrated Skin is the Secret to Glowy Makeup?

If you love makeup, you probably know that hydrated skin is an essential part of a healthy, glowy look. Moisturizing certainly plays a vital role in a healthy complexion: water is responsible for giving skin its smooth, soft and velvety appearance, whereas dehydration will result in skin that is dull, rough and has fine lines. So, it makes sense that makeup applied on hydrated skin will look better, and also require less coverage. Here’s how.


Why is hydration so important for glowing skin?

Without adequate hydration, your skin feels tight and uncomfortable. Your skin is vulnerable to environmental factors like pollution and smoke. These aggressions can result in less smoothed skin, which makes makeup crease more easily. In addition, your complexion also becomes dry and flakey1, often resulting in more makeup being used to counteract these symptoms. That’s why it is important to first treat dehydration, in order to get your skin makeup-ready. and sensitive skin, but also to wrinkles and dark spots3. For your makeup routine, this implies having to add heavy layers to cover up fine lines, blemishes and redness, without treating the real problem. But now you can reduce the affect of all these issues with Minéral 89! This skin booster creates a film over the skin’s surface to decrease pollution adherence. The result? Healthy skin to obtain a natural coverage.


How can Vichy Mineral 89 improve the appearance of your makeup?

Minéral 89 can be beneficial for all steps of your makeup routine. The first one is to use the booster to prepare the skin, even before your usual primer, foundation or concealer. This not only helps to improve application of products to the skin, but also smooth skin to help have a more even coverage for a glowing, healthy skin. If you have sensitive skin, Minéral 89 can unify skin and reduce any discomforts you may experience.

With the skin booster, you won't have to worry about your makeup drying out early on, as it helps to lock in moisture all day long. It can also smooth out skin, helping it to look radiant and healthy. Before bed, remember to remove all your makeup and apply the skin booster one more time. You can bet your skin will be less dehydrated and smoothed by morning.


Who can use Minéral 89?

Minéral 89 is recommended for all skin types. Its lightweight texture makes it perfect for oily, and sensitive skin types. It can be used day and night, as the first step of your skincare routine- booster first, cream second. So, before putting on makeup and your sun protection, don’t forget to apply Minéral 89.

Should you be using a face mask?
Should you be using a face mask?

Benefits of face masks

Whether you’re trying to combat oiliness, tackle congestion or restore moisture levels, there’s a face mask for almost every skin concern. As a general rule of thumb, masks that provide an exfoliating effect are best at tackling concerns such as dullness, while mineral clay formulas are better suited to blocked pores and congestion. Sheet masks, on the other hand, are largely used to restore hydration levels, and to create a beautiful base for makeup.


Prepping the skin before a face mask

One common mistake that many people make when using a face mask for the first time, is skipping a thorough cleanse beforehand. It’s vital that you create a clean, dry base before applying your mask, as this will remove all traces of dirt, makeup and pollution and allow skin-boosting ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin - and most importantly, work their magic far more effectively.


Applying your face mask

If you are applying a mineral clay or exfoliating mask, make sure you cover the entire face and neck, while avoiding the delicate eye area. Gently tap the fingertips over the face, before massaging in any excess or dabbing it off with a tissue.


Knowing when to remove your mask

You should always check the directions of each individual face mask for usage instructions, but as a general rule, five minutes is adequate time for a mineral mask. Be careful to not let clay formulas dry too much before you remove them, as this can strip the skin of essential oils. Some sheet masks however, are designed to be left for a longer period of time, up to 20 minutes as they saturate the skin with moisture, rather than providing a deep cleanse. Use this time to sit back, relax and enjoy a few moments of peace.


The benefits of aloe vera for skin
The benefits of aloe vera for skin

The aloe vera cactus may not seem like the obvious beauty treat, but this succulent has an unprecedented healing effect on skin and body. Read on to discover its healthful benefits, both inside and out.


Why a spiky cactus plant holds the secret to beautiful skin?

Aloe vera is a bona fide super ingredient, with a long list of health benefits and a celebrity following that dates right back to Egyptian times. Cleopatra used the plant in her beauty regime, selecting it to treat everything from burns to infections and parasites.

But it’s not only the rich and famous who reap the benefits of aloe vera for skin, it’s well known among health and beauty aficionados who seek out the medicinal wonder ingredient in everything from food supplements, drinks and smoothies to cleansers, masks and after sun care. Why? The jelly-like substance found inside the thick spiky leaves of the aloe vera cactus is laden with an impressive list of nutrients, including 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 active plant compounds or phytonutrients.

There’s a myriad of health benefits attributed to the plant. As well as being a potent antioxidant, aloe vera is said to boost immune function, reduce high blood pressure and aid digestion.


Aloe vera gel benefits for skin

Applied topically, the gel is purported to be outstanding for skin health. The high water content (99.5 per cent) means it’s very hydrating, soothing and cooling (that’s why it’s a common ingredient in after sun products). It’s also a powerful anti-inflammatory and can treat skin conditions including psoriasis, sunburn, acne, dry skin and frostbite. Furthermore, it makes a very effective make-up remover.


Drink to health

Aloe vera has a slightly bitter flavor so is not the most pleasant tasting plant. However, blended into a smoothie with other ingredients such as berries, coconut milk and green vegetables like cucumber and spinach, it provides a nutrient-rich super drink that will cleanse your system and benefit your skin.

Tip: When using fresh aloe vera leaves, allow them to drain before cutting out the gel-like flesh from skin. Stand the leaf in a glass leaving the cut end down. A yellow substance should leak out after a while. This is a latex found just beneath the skin and is what gives the aloe vera its bitter taste. It’s also a common ingredient in laxatives.

So whether you’re ingesting it or applying it to your skin, harvesting it from a plant or buying it in products, this natural plant ingredient will soothe, hydrate and repair stressed skin, for a newly radiant look.

Les bienfaits de l’hydratation
Les bienfaits de l’hydratation

Notre corps est composé à 60% d’eau. Sans cet élément essentiel à la vie, nous n’existons pas. Alors il faut mettre toutes les chances de notre côté et nous hydrater au maximum, on ne le dit jamais assez. Mais qu’apporte clairement l’hydratation à notre corps, et notamment à notre peau ?


  • L’hydratation protège la peau des agressions

En contact direct entre notre environnement et notre corps, la peau est notre bouclier principal contre les agressions de l’extérieur. Elle évite la pénétration de corps étrangers dans notre organisme et est la démonstration de notre bonne santé.


Hydrater sa peau lui permet de se régénérer plus rapidement et de la rendre plus forte contre les bactéries et autres irritations nocives à notre santé.


  • L’hydratation au cœur de la beauté

C’est l’eau qui aide votre peau à se protéger de l’extérieur. Plus vous hydratez votre peau, notamment si elle est sèche, et plus vous lui donnez les moyens de lutter contre les agressions environnementales telles que le vent, le soleil ou le froid.


Une peau hydratée sera plus belle, plus lumineuse tandis qu’une peau sèche sera plus sensible et facilement irritante. Aussi pour votre confort et votre bonne santé, hydratez votre peau chaque jour avec un produit adapté.


Quels produits hydratants pour quel type de peau ?

Valable pour tous les types de peaux, le geste incontournable est de boire régulièrement pour renflouer ses réserves en H2O.


Pour une peau à tendance grasse : Préférer une crème moins riche en éléments nourrissants, en addition avec un régulateur de sébum. Cette formule aura pour effet de réguler la production de sébum de votre peau, tout en garantissant une hydratation optimale.


Pour une peau sèche : choisir une crème nourrissante et reconstituant, ou des huiles, qui contiennent plus d’actif gras qui favoriseront le gonflement des cellules protectrices de la peau.

Toutes les peaux sont différentes et nécessitent un traitement adapté. Néanmoins, l’hydratation de l’épiderme est indispensable et garante de votre bonne santé !

Comment reconnaître une crème certifiée bio ?
Comment reconnaître une crème certifiée bio ?

Difficile de savoir à qui se vouer quand de plus en plus de marques se revendiquent biologiques, dans une cacophonie de labels.


Le doute émerge alors dans nos esprits sur les vrais engagements et sur la sincérité de la démarche des entreprises qui se cachent derrière de belles paroles.


Alors si on démêlait le vrai du faux pour vous permettre de choisir en toute conscience ce que vous appliquez sur votre peau ?


De quoi se compose une crème certifiée bio ?

  • Une crème certifiée bio contient au minimum 95% d’ingrédients d’origine naturelle :

Parmi ces 95% d’ingrédients naturels, le label bio français exige 20% d’ingrédients bio dans les crèmes, c’est-à-dire des ingrédients cultivés sans engrais chimiques ni pesticides.


  • 20% minimum d’ingrédients bio au total :

Si cela vous paraît peu c’est parce qu’une crème est composée en grande partie d’eau (à 60 à 80% en général), qui, bien que naturelle, n’est pas issue du végétal et ne peut donc pas être certifiée bio.

Car si l’on recalcule ce taux sans l’eau, on atteint au minimum 95% de bio ! Les 5% restants sont des ingrédients de synthèse, principalement des conservateurs.

Saviez-vous que les imperfections ne concernent pas que les adolescents ?
Saviez-vous que les imperfections ne concernent pas que les adolescents ?

Synonyme d’adolescence, les imperfections ne disparaissent pas toujours à l’âge adulte.


Peaux grasses, excès de sébum, dérèglements hormonaux sont autant de facteurs favorisant l’apparition de petites imperfections qui gâchent souvent le quotidien des femmes adultes.


Même à l’âge adulte, les peaux à imperfections nécessitent un soin particulier. L’erreur à ne pas commettre est de « décaper » l’épiderme à répétition avec des soins nettoyants agressifs. La peau risque de se sentir agressée et produira davantage de sébum pour se défendre. On rentre alors dans un cercle vicieux difficile à casser.


Pour le nettoyage de la peau,on privilégiera les gels lavants doux. Pour le démaquillage, on préfèrera les laits et les eaux micellaires.


Côté crèmes,même pour les peaux à tendance grasse, il faut bien hydrater, quitte à préférer un soin hydratant qui matifie

The importance of body scrubs
The importance of body scrubs

Just like cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, scrubbing also occupies a significant place in our beauty regimen. Exfoliation of the skin can prevent many skin problems. With so many different types of facial scrubs and body scrubs available in the market, exfoliating your skin is not a difficult task at all! In fact, you can also choose to make your own homemade scrubs to exfoliate your skin with ingredients you like best! Just invest in the right kind of scrub, based on your skin type and your beauty needs. Use gentle circular motions and watch your scrub working wonders on your skin!


But how does scrubbing work? What benefits can you expect?


Top 10 benefits of scrubbing your skin


In case you don’t know why you must go for an exfoliation session, at least once a week, here are the top 10 reasons to give you that much needed nudge!


1. For a squeaky clean skin

Scrubbing gives you clean skin, free from dirt, oil, and sweat. Actually, the bottles of cleansing milk, face wash and facial cleansers cannot pull out all the dust that accumulates in the pores of your skin. Scrubbing does this job successfully. Make your own facial scrub with brown sugar and honey and use it twice a week to see the difference.


2. Frees your skin from flakes

Flaky skin looks hideous! It clearly signals the fact that you don’t take care of it the way you should. In fact, flaky skin also gives rise to dry patches. It allows dead cells accumulate over time. Scrubbing your skin can help you deal with flaky skin effectively.


3. Helps in removing dead cells:

Dead cells make your skin look dull and tired. Why let them build up on the layers of your skin? Scrub them off with a gentle scrub.


4. Adds glow to skin:

Exfoliation can actually make your skin glow. Soak rice in milk for two hours. Then grind it into a paste and scrub your face to get glowing skin in no time.


5. Removes dark patches:

Do you know that scrubbing could even help in removing dark patchy skin? Add a spoon of yoghurt to a spoon of crushed walnuts. Use this scrub twice a week to get desired results. It is especially effective on knuckles, elbows and knees.


6. Removes acne scars:

Exfoliation helps in doing away with acne scars. Prepare a basic scrub using two spoons of baking soda and a spoon of water. Make a paste and use it on your face to treats the ugly marks left behind by acne.


7. Prevents ingrown hair:

Ingrown hair is a perennial problem and scrubbing is the solution to prevent this problem. Squeeze out the juice of two lemons and add a cup of sugar to it. Add some water and use this scrub to prevent ingrown hair. You may add a few drops of tea tree oil because it has antiseptic properties. You can use it after 2 or 3 days of waxing for effective results.


8. For smooth skin:

Smooth skin is the key to a more beautiful you. Use a scrub made out of a cup of ground almonds, two spoons of honey and milk cream. This scrub will not only make your skin look flawlessly smooth but will also make it soft and well-nourished from within. If you do not have time to do your scrub yourself, why not try the amazing product of the Filorga range?


9. Improves the texture of your skin:

Scrubbing your skin gives you clean and smooth skin with an improved texture.


10. Promotes Clear Complexion:

As soon as the flakes, dead cells, blemishes, and accumulated impurities are done away with, what do you expect in return? The answer is-clear complexion! And if the scrub has natural skin whitening ingredients, the effect is even better.

Foaming gel – A refreshing skin cleanser
Foaming gel – A refreshing skin cleanser

Foaming gel: The anti-pollution cleanser


Confronted with ambient air pollution, dust, and sweat sticking to your skin, once you get home in the evening, you want purity when removing your makeup. If you like the contact and freshness of water, the foaming gel will effectively eliminate the pollution and impurities that have accumulated during the day. Opt for a glycerin-based foaming gel, which will leave your skin perfectly hydrated and, most importantly, counter the effects of hard tap water. It is worth noting that foaming gels do not remove all makeup pigments. You never leave the house without a little eye shadow and mascara? Our recommendation: use a makeup removing oil together with a foaming gel.


Foaming gel: A 3 step detox

– Lather a small amount of gel with water and apply in a circular motion.

– Move from the T-zone to the facial contours.

– Then move down towards the neck and nape of the neck and rinse thoroughly with water

L’huile d’argan : comment l’utiliser ?
L’huile d’argan : comment l’utiliser ?

Nous connaissons toutes les bienfaits de l’Huile d’Argan; elle est reconnue pour ses propriétés nutritives, régénérante et restructurante. L’argan, grâce à sa richesse en vitamine E, a la capacité de restaurer le film hydro-lipidique. L’huile d’argan est utilisée depuis la nuit des temps par les femmes berbères du Maroc pour ses vertus exceptionnelles.

Il existe différentes façons d’utiliser l’huile d’argan. Les connaissez-vous ?


1. En massage :

Commençons par le massage des zones relâchées : cuisses, bras, ventre. Versez de l’huile d’argan au creux de votre main, chauffez l’huile puis appliquez la sur les zones désirées en effectuant des massages circulaires et des palpés roulés. Massez jusqu’à ce que l’huile pénètre le plus possible.


2. Pour le visage et le corps :

Reconnue pour ses vertus anti-oxydantes, elle protège des agressions extérieures. Régénérante, elle lutte contre le vieillissement cutané. Adoucissante et nourrissante, elle assure un grand confort. Versez dans le creux de la main quelques gouttes de ce nectar. Du bout des doigts, massez délicatement le visage, le cou et le corps.


3. Pour les ongles et cuticules :

L’huile d’argan est idéale pour nourrir l’ongle et de le fortifier naturellement.
Astuces pour l’application : Trempez un coton-tige directement dans l’huile et appliquez-le sur l’ongle.


4. Le « must » en application sur les cheveux :

Vous avez les cheveux secs, cassants, dévitalisés, fourchus ? Bref rien ne va plus ? En utilisant l’huile d’argan sur les cheveux, ils retrouveront toute leur brillance, souplesse et douceur.


Nos conseils d’utilisation :

  • En masque rapide avant le shampooing: humidifiez vos cheveux (bien les essorer), versez dans votre main de l’huile chauffez-la, puis appliquez-la sur les longueurs en insistant sur les pointes. Laissez poser 10 minutes puis procédez au shampooing. Pour celles qui ont les cheveux très secs associés à des chutes il est possible d’appliquer l’huile dès la racine, pour fortifier le cuir chevelu.


  • En masque pendant la nuit : appliquez l’huile sur cheveux humides, enroulez vos cheveux et faites un chignon assez haut de manière à ce que cela ne gêne pas la nuit. Le lendemain faites un shampooing. Résultat vos cheveux sont revigorés et brillants.


  • En sérum de jour : appliquez quelques gouttes sur les pointes sèches
Habits that could be damaging your skin
Habits that could be damaging your skin

There are many things that we do day-to-day that could be damaging our skin without us realising. These are often habits we have formed over time thinking we are doing the best for our bodies, but we could be doing more harm than good.

The most common daily habits we have that can be detrimental to our skin’s health: 


Too much caffeine

Many of us will start our day with a cup of coffee, and continue to drink it to keep us feeling alert throughout the day. However, too much caffeine can have a negative effect on our skin due to its dehydrating properties. Caffeinated drinks can also play havoc with your blood sugar levels, which has also been known to aggravate skin conditions such as acne. To stop your favourite caffeine-laden beverages from having an effect on your skin, try and switch for decaf options or green tea.


Popping pimples & squeezing blackheads

It can be tempting to squeeze a spot when we see one emerge on our face, but there are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t pop a pimple when it makes an appearance.

One of the main reasons is that you can tear the skin, creating more damage to an already sensitive area. There is also a chance that long nails can cause further damage to the surrounding healthy skin. Popping pimples has also been known to cause scars, and this is often the case for those who have suffered with severe acne previously.


Using too many products in your skincare routine

Skin has a delicate pH balance, and mixing a number of different products together can upset this balance. Use only the very basics, i.e. cleanser and moisturiser. This not only reduces the amount of chemicals you apply to your skin, but it will also speed up your skincare routine!



Exfoliation is used to remove a build up of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin, but too much can be too harsh and actually damage the skin. It has been advised by some dermatologists that you should exfoliate around 2-3 times every week. This helps to keep the skin clean and pores unclogged, but also ensures you aren’t damaging the newly refreshed skin. It’s also important to use an exfoliant that has smaller granules as it offers more gentle exfoliation. Natural products made from organic ingredients are great for this. They often use ground almonds and other natural ingredients, which are great for the health of your skin.


Too much talking on the phone

When we use our mobile phones we will often hold them against our face. However, how often do you clean your phone? For many people, the answer to this question is never.

For those on the phone multiple times a day, breakouts around the cheek or jaw line area may be noticeable. This is due to the bacteria being carried on your handset and spreading to your skin. Simply wiping your phone regularly with a gentle disinfecting wipe or makeup wipe can help to remove some of this bacteria and decrease the chance of breakouts.