Healthy recipes powered by Wellness Warehouse

Healthy recipes powered by Wellness Warehouse
  1. Quinoa: Good for your bones

Are you lactose intolerant or don’t have a liking for milk and want to have strong and healthy bones?

Then we have what you are looking for.

Quinoa is a boon to build strong bones. Harnessed with nutrients like manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and proteins, quinoa has been considered as the bone-building power grain. Do consider this natural healthy grain to fight bone disease and osteoporosis.

Our recipe for quinoa milk


  • 1 cup of quinoa
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of soya oil
  • 1 teaspoon of maple syrup


  1. Allow the quinoa to soak in water for 2 hours
  2. Boil the quinoa in the same water during 2-3 minutes on low heat

3.Allow to cool and filter

  1. Add salt, soya oil and maple syrup. Mix to obtain a homogenous mixture.

5.Keep in fridge and consume within 2-3 days

Our white quinoa is readily available in our shops of Wellness Warehouse and in our MedActiv pharmacies across the island.


  1. Buckwheat breakfast porridge

In order to make this buckwheat breakfast porridge, it is best to soak the groats overnight to help ensure they are soft and easier to blend into a porridge, as limited soaking time might create a grittier porridge.

The ratio is 3:1 water to buckwheat groats.

Take a bowl, add water and buckwheat groats and let it soak for the night in the fridge. In the morning the buckwheat grouts will look and taste as if they were cooked into a porridge. Add milk, honey and vanilla to give the porridge a subtly sweet flavour, and topped it with fresh berries and shredded coconut, however, you can use any toppings of your choice.


  1. Eau de Chia

La graine de chia se démarque des autres graines par sa richesse en fibre soluble et en acides gras omégas-3, deux nutriments stars pleins d’effets bénéfiques rares dans l’alimentation moderne typique. De plus, elle apporte une bonne proportion de protéines, vitamines et minéraux.


La graine de chia possède des propriétés :

  • Amincissante
  • Rassasiante
  • Diminue le cholestérol
  • Antidiabétique
  • Laxative
  • Nutritive


  • 4 cuillerées de graines de chia
  • 6 cuillerées de jus de citron
  • 4 tasses d’eau


  1. Mettre les graines de chia à tremper dans une tasse d’eau durant 30 minutes jusqu’à ce que leur fibre d’aspect gélatineux se libère.
  2. Mettre cette eau avec les graines dans un extracteur de jus et mixer jusqu’à obtention d’une pâte.
  3. Ajouter le reste de l’eau et le citron et remuer pour qu’ils se mélangent bien.
  4. Ajouter 12-16 gouttes d’extrait liquide de stévia.


Note: You can find all of these products in our pharmacies

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